GRIDFAILURE: Video For “Paranoia Will Not Coagulate” Released


GRIDFAILURE has completed and released the project’s first video, created for the track “Paranoia Will Not Coagulate.” The soloist also confirms several new recordings to see release over the coming months.

“Paranoia Will Not Coagulate.” comes from the debut GRIDFAILURE album Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here, which was released in May 2016 through The Compound Recs. The outfit has since recorded and completed several other new titles, yet returns to the debut album for a series of videos beginning here. Captured in various sectors of New York and Pennsylvania over the Summer, the visual stimulant for the song was solely filmed and edited by the outfit’s lone creator, as with the others in the series, which are currently under construction.

See GRIDFAILURE’s video for “Paranoia Will Not Coagulate” at THIS LOCATION.

The Halloween-released Further Layers Of Societal Collapse EP is available for free download HERE, and the limited split cassette with NEVER PRESENCE FOREVER — due out on December 23rd — is available for streaming and preorder via NEVER PRESENCE FOREVER HERE and GRIDFAILURE HERE.

The works of GRIDFAILURE are the haunted experimentations of David Brenner (ex-Theologian, ex-Heidnik). The soloist has been collaborating with a wide cast of henchpersons across the country and beyond over the past several months, and is currently finishing up the final recordings for the cannibalistic post-Sixth Mass Extinction dementia of impending second album, Teeth Collection, for release in early 2017. Also, heavily underway is the construction of Drought Stick, which has somehow transformed from an investigational EP into an epic collection which explores more spacious, echoing movements fit for somnambulant wasteland deviations. Drought Stick will see 2017 release as a double conceptual album.

GRIDFAILURE has also rapidly completed most of a new EP, Hostile Alchemy, which will see release ahead of both Teeth Collection and Drought Stick in January 2017. Stand by for audio from the new EP in the coming days.



GRIDFAILURE: Further Layers Of Societal Collapse Available For Free Download; Drought Stick Confirmed


GRIDFAILURE‘s Further Layers Of Societal Collapse EP has infected the masses through free digital download.

With seven tracks harnessing twenty-six minutes of harrowing dementia, Further Layers Of Societal Collapse meshes the ghostly elements of dark ambient, power electronics, and industrial metal with more percussive elements and guitars than the Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here debut, thundering with confrontational and exploratory vocal wrath, all meeting on a rudderless course where anything goes. Contributions from cohorts BJ Allen (Full Scale Riot) and Pete Tsakiris reflect the first recorded GRIDFAILURE collaborations to see release, all traits that repeat heavily in the act’s other upcoming titles.

Download Further Layers Of Societal Collapse for free at Bandcamp HERE and HERE and Soundcloud HERE.

GRIDFAILURE’s recent collaboration with Walking Bombs – the Tad Doyle-mastered “Demagogue” – is playing HERE.

A limited cassette version of Further Layers Of Societal Collapse will be produced and released through The Compound Recs. shortly.

The haunted works of GRIDFAILURE are the experimental runoff of David Brenner (Earsplit, ex-Theologian, ex-Heidnik), created through the unhinged abuse of countless instruments field recording tactics. Having been incessantly recording and collaborating with an array of henchpersons over recent months, the outfit is currently completing a newly identified release, classified Drought Stick, which explores more spacious, echoing movements fit for intoxicated wasteland somnambulance, and The visionary realms of the cannibalistic Teeth Collection album continue to take shape, as well as a split cassette release with Richmond-based ambient soloist Never Presence Forever, several videos, and even more.


GRIDFAILURE Issues “Digital Crush” At Metal Riot; Further Layers Of Societal Collapse EP Nears Free Samhain Release


Hostile alchemist GRIDFAILURE has completed the Further Layers Of Societal Collapse EP impending its free digital distribution on Samhain 2016, leaking new track “Digital Crush” through Metal Riot.

GRIDFAILURE is the auditory harvest of David Brenner (Earsplit, ex-Theologian, ex-Heidnik), who abuses dozens of instruments, brewing a haunted apocalypse aura. The outfit’s Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here debut was released in May via The Compound Recs. With a second album, Teeth Collection, nearing completion, Further Layers Of Societal Collapse provides some insight of the bizarre directions the unit’s output is taking. The use of field recordings infusing elements of nature and civilization into the mix carries into the new material, which infuses more percussive elements and guitars than the debut. Contributions from cohorts BJ Allen (Full Scale Riot) and Pete Tsakiris reflect the first GRIDFAILURE collaborations to see release, a trait that lies heavily in the upcoming releases.

GRIDFAILURE’s Further Layers Of Societal Collapse delivers nearly a half-hour of unharnessed dementia, infiltrating additional realms of biomechanical madness, meshing ghostly and fractured elements of dark ambient, power electronics, and industrial metal with the confrontational wrath of tectonic hardcore on a rudderless course where anything goes.

This confrontational dementia is depicted in “Digital Crush,” playing at Metal Riot RIGHT HERE.

Hear the EP’s “Woodlands Of Self-Impalement” via Loudwire HERE, and the GRIDFAILURE-infused anti-Trump “Demagogue” by Walking Bombs, mastered by Tad Doyle, at Blow The Scene HERE.

GRIDFAILURE will offer Further Layers Of Societal Collapse as a free download on October 31st through Bandcamp, Soundcloud, and more, with a limited cassette version to follow in November; find your Walkman ASAP.

Orders for GRIDFAILURE‘s Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here eco-wallet CD receive free paraphernalia HERE; digitally the album can be found at Bandcamp, Amazon, iTunes, and most others.

Also join the macabre lounge/fight act for the end of everything on GRIDFAILURE’s upcoming Teeth Collection album, split with Never Presence Forever, and multiple other upcoming splits, EPs, and collaborations, all likely to see release by the end of the year.


GRIDFAILURE: Track From Further Layers Of Societal Collapse EP Premiered At Loudwire; Collaborative Track With Walking Bombs Streaming At Blow The Scene


A new track GRIDFAILURE is now playing at Loudwire, as the hostile alchemist announces the impending free digital EP from which the sample has been extracted. The outfit also declares several additional recordings nearing completion, including its second full-length.

The trials initiated as Teeth Collection have since taken a new direction, these recordings now encapsulated in the second GRIDFAILURE full-length album of the same name. Though the title of the series has transformed, the free EP series continues as planned, the first of which is in its final stages. Further Layers Of Societal Collapse presents several random recordings which see the outfit’s works which infiltrate further realms of biomechanical madness, meshing ghostly and fractured elements of dark ambient, power electronics, and industrial metal with the confrontational wrath of tectonic hardcore on a rudderless course where anything goes.

Loudwire unloads an early track from GRIDFAILURE’s Further Layers Of Societal Collapse into the masses through its Rumblings From The Underground column, offering “Woodlands Of Self-Impalement” for your auditory displeasure. The write-up issues, “’Woodlands of Self-Impalement’ is seven-and-a-half minutes of brooding, ominous torture that begs for something catastrophic to happen, but it doesn’t — it just lurks in the shadows as you frantically survey your surroundings, just waiting for the axe to fall, pissing yourself with nervous anticipation. True apocalyptic nihilism at its electronic worst (that means best for all you uninitiated)!”

Stream “Woodlands Of Self-Impalement” through Loudwire at THIS LOCATION.

GRIDFAILURE will offer Further Layers Of Societal Collapse as a free download on October 30th through Bandcamp HERE.


Further Layers Of Societal Collapse Track Listing:
1. A Severing Of Ties
2. Digital Crush
3. Android Infusion
4. Get Fucked Dance
5. Broken Systems
6. Indian Point Direct Proximity Warning Tester
7. Woodlands Of Self-Impalement

GRIDFAILURE recently collaborated with neighboring upstate New York project Walking Bombs, for the anti-Trump anthem “Demagogue,” which is set to appear on the experimental punk/rock outfit’s impending Peace Quest EP. The EP is mastered by Tad Doyle (Tad, Brothers Of The Sonic Cloth) and the new track was premiered at Blow The Scene this week RIGHT HERE.

Also being completed is GRIDFAILURE’s second album Teeth Collection, which takes the experimental expansion of the Further Layers Of Societal Collapse EP to creepy new levels of dementia, infusing tribal, cyber, folk, and hardcore elements, including multiple collaborations with random allies. Teeth Collection will be issued before the end of the year. Additional looming GRIDFAILURE recordings include a split with Richmond soloist Never Presence Forever, as well as multiple additional EPs, splits, collaborations, compilation tracks, videos, and more.

GRIDFAILURE is the auditory harvest of David Brenner (Earsplit, ex-Theologian, ex-Heidnik), who abuses dozens of instruments, brewing a haunted apocalypse aura wrought with unhinged vocal exploration in full DIY unaccountability The outfit’s Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here debut was released in May via The Compound Recs. Orders for the alluringly economical eco-wallet CD receive free GRIDFAILURE paraphernalia HERE; digitally the album can be found at Bandcamp, Amazon, iTunes, and most others.

GRIDFAILURE To Release Teeth Collection Free EP Series; Video And Additional Projects Under Construction

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Hostile alchemist GRIDFAILURE will issue a series of free digital EPs over the coming months, bearing the communal title, Teeth Collection.

The sequence of Teeth Collection chapters sees the GRIDFAILURE solo project delivering its unclassified sub-mutation of dark experimentation in collaboration with a wide array of musicians and cohorts, resulting in a noxious barrage of odd tunes to be considered unpredictably volatile and bizarre. The nauseating paranoia and wrath of GRIDFAILURE’s Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here debut sees the project casting speculation upon supremely macabre aspects of our decline, and envisioning humanity’s feeble struggle surviving in the sub-apocalyptic habitat of our impending future days.

The first installation of Teeth Collection will be released shortly, with multiple chapters to follow in succession throughout the upcoming months. Each EP will be made available for free download upon its release; once all chapters are issued, a physical manifestation of the series will take place.

Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here was released in May via the Earsplit DIY label sector, The Compound Recs. Orders for the alluringly economical eco-wallet CD receive free GRIDFAILURE paraphernalia HERE; digitally the album can be found at Bandcamp, Amazon, iTunes, and most others.

Stream Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here at Bandcamp HERE and Soundcloud HERE.

GRIDFAILURE is the outfit is the output of David Brenner (ex-Theologian, Heidnik, Dead By Dawn) who here layers unorthodox instrumentation wrought with unhinged vocal exploration and punishing rants, formulating a biomechanical mistake neither man or nature want to claim. Through the abuse of more than a dozen instruments and a library of field recordings, Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here bears eight movements performed, recorded, and produced entirely by Brenner. In addition to the Teeth Collection, several other new collaborations, splits, a video from Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here, a live incarnation of GRIDFAILURE, and more are under construction.

Noisey published, “skeletal compositions take horrifying shape and become dense nightmares of warped instruments, disintegrating static, and shifting tones that more closely resemble howling wind than actual music… Utilizing everything from decaying electronics to violins and harmonica, GRIDFAILURE manages to fuse the familiar and the foreign in a way that is more likely to cause listeners to clench their jaw than to nod their heads.” No Clean Singing talks of, “Wisps of eerie, hypnotic, melodic tones loop beneath the swirling moans and shrieks of phantasms and the cries of lost souls, along with flickering spasms of electronics… The experience is both disturbing and trance-inducing.” Svbterranean says, “The end result is eight sprawling, haunting tracks that will instill paranoia in listeners everywhere.” The Monolith writes, “Ensuring the Bloodline Ends Here sounds like Godflesh trapped down a mine shaft… Drone fans will identify with the atmospheres and the immersive soundscapes; an obvious comparison is Sunn O))), whose followers will find this a little more controlled and precise. Unsettling and confrontational…” And Wonderbox Metal claimed, “Upon pressing play the music takes you off into its dark world of urban blight and catastrophic end times, lulling you with electronic whispers and static cries, urging you to leave the real world behind and delve into the underworld of decaying cities and forgotten industrialization. This, along with the recent monstrous collaboration between Boris and Merzbow, has restored some of my faith in what is, for me, a very hit-or-miss genre.”

GRIDFAILURE: Cvlt Nation Premieres “Self-Exile” As Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here Release Looms

Gridfailure Polaroid 2016-7

As torturous new experimental outfit, GRIDFAILURE, prepares for its Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here for release on Friday the 13th, Cvlt Nation has issued the record’s “Self-Exile” for mutual consumption.

A soundtrack to which the listener may feel driven to podcast their own snuff film live, or explore creative surgery tactics on unsuspecting neighbors, Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here is a curious mutant; an unforeseen entity which was only conceived three months ago. The sole creator of these atrocities generated the GRIDFAILURE classification to embody the Frankensteinian, musical experimentation taking place in random sessions. When these trials went very wrong, instead of burying and denying the project immediately, the confused architect dove headlong into the abyss, creating the perplexing, exploratory attack on the senses, Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here.

Cvlt Nation has premiered GRIDFAILURE’s “Self-Exile,” noting, “Deep underground exists forgotten cities that have become a graveyard for a past that is only alive in our nightmares. GRIDFAILURE is a noise artist who creates morbid soundscapes that can act as a guide into the unknown places that imagination might not want to go.” Listen now at THIS LOCATION.

Also hear the track “Apparitions Revenge” at No Clean Singing RIGHT HERE.

Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here will see release on eco-wallet CD and digital via the Earsplit label faction, The Compound Recs, Friday, May 13th. Preordered physical copies receive free GRIDFAILURE paraphernalia HERE, and digital preorders include an instant download of the track “Apparitions Revenge” HERE.

GRIDFAILURE‘s  Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here bears eight movements performed, recorded, and produced entirely by David Brenner (Theologian, ex-Heidnik), who misuses a variety of guitars, basses, violins, harmonica, keyboards, electronics, chimes, drums, and elements of incineration, physical ailments, weather systems, faunae, and other auditory unpredictability. Layers of unorthodox instrumentation wrought with unhinged waves of vocal exploration and punishing rants formulate a biomechanical mistake neither man or nature want to claim.

GRIDFAILURE will continue to unfold, expand, and deteriorate upon the public in the coming months with the infusion of additional performers, through collaborative recordings, and more, with new material and live inflictions being devised for the coming months.

GRIDFAILURE Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here cover crop WEB

GRIDFAILURE: Demoralizing New Outfit Completes Debut Album For May Release Via The Compound Recs; Track Streaming At No Clean Singing

Gridfailure Polaroid 2016-3

GRIDFAILURE is the unforeseen, disharmonic outcome of an experiment that rapidly spiraled out of control in very recent weeks. Barely two months old, the solo outfit has completed a full-length album set for release in May via The Compound Recs, and today sheds the track “Apparitions Revenge” from the demoralizing effort through No Clean Singing.

The genesis of GRIDFAILURE unexpectedly took place in February of 2016 when solitary member David Brenner (Theologian, ex-Heidnik, Vise Massacre, etc.) began to conduct disturbing Frankensteinian experimentation on material collected from various solo recording sessions over several months prior. With no forethought plan as to what these sessions were to become, while layering these disturbing and off-kilter recordings, the mutated pieces began cannibalizing each other in an uncontrollable downfall; instead of ending the experiment under acres of hard earth immediately, the confused creator dove headlong into the abyss.

The debut GRIDFAILURE recordings have converged into a perplexing, exploratory attack on the senses, dubbed Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here, which bears eight movements incepted, performed, recorded, produced, and packaged by Brenner. Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here incorporates the abuse of electric and acoustic guitar/bass, violins, harmonica, keyboards, electronics, chimes, drums, bongos, den-den daiko, chains, bells, and more, in addition to the infusion of other components not limited to incineration, bizarre weather systems, tools, and mammals. Layers of unorthodox instrumentation ethereally infested by unhinged waves of unharnessed vocal exploration and punishing rants formulate a biomechanical mistake neither man or nature want to claim.

The chief of trusted portal No Clean Singing is streaming the fourth track from the record, citing, “Listening to ‘Apparitions Revenge’ is akin to parting a dimensional membrane and becoming enveloped by an otherworldly abysscape shrouded in cold mist, buffeted by the movement of dead things. Wisps of eerie, hypnotic, melodic tones loop beneath the swirling moans and shrieks of phantasms and the cries of lost souls, along with flickering spasms of electronics. The volume ebbs and flows as if that horde of ghostly entities were approaching and then retreating. The experience is both disturbing and trance-inducing. You wonder if you will be released from this ominous sphere of frigid spirits before you become one of them. It doesn’t feel right, but you want to stay… and you begin to puzzle over what will happen next.”

Stream GRIDFAILURE’s “Apparitions Revenge” at No Clean Singing RIGHT HERE.

Uncomfortable, unnerving, and paranoia-inducing, Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here will see release on CD and digital via the in-house-owned Earsplit Compound label faction, The Compound Recs, Friday the 13th of May 2016.

Preordered copies of the eco-wallet CD receive free GRIDFAILURE paraphernalia HERE, and digital preorders include an instant download of “Apparitions Revenge” HERE.

GRIDFAILURE will continue to unfold, expand, and deteriorate upon the public in the coming months with the infusion of other performers, through collaborative releases, the mutation into a live entity and more.

GRIDFAILURE Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here cover crop WEB

Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here Track Listing:
1. Shedding The Husk
2. Self-Exile
3. Ensuring The Bloodline Ends Here
4. Apparitions Revenge
5. Paranoia Will Not Coagulate
6. Shackled, A Crown Aflame
7. Traumatized By This New Reality
8. Welcoming Pyroclastic Eradication